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Lapbooks. What are they?


These mini-books are a great hands-on teaching method. What is it a lapbook then? It's a kind of portfoilio or a collection of flap mini-books in which pupils can draw and write. This teaching tool is ideal to sum up any topic.
The whole lapbook is devoted usually to one theme. So, it can be about a country, time zones, sea animals, anything. These books are large and can cover your laps that's why they are called lapbooks. In the photos you can see an example of the book about Canada.

 For the inner part y cou can use the laptop templates from the internet or cut them out yourself. All is up to you and your pupils.
Actually, you can make the elements of the lapbook at several lessons, not all at once.
With my younger classes we sometimes fill in only one template a lesson.

I'm sure that your pupils will remember making the lapbooks better than filling in the worksheets and, what is more, they will have their own lapbook ideas for the lesson.


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