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A Word Cloud (rus. облако слов) is another technology as well as QR codes that help to make your lesson friendly for the brains of your students. Word Cloud is a way to visualise the data in the form of words. Long lists of english vocabulary do not have to be dull any more. Quite the opposite, words have different sizes, shapes and look more attractive for dyslectic children.

How can you make a word cloud yourself. In the Internet there is a special program for doing it. All you need is to find this program and type in your words. I use 'Free online Wordcloud generator'. It's very easy to use. You have to choose the theme, shape, mask and type in the words. Save it on your computer as a jpg file.

But how can we use it at our lessons? I can suggest several ways.

1. Guess the topic.

Your pupils can guess the topic of today's lesson analysing the words. It can be a kind of warming up activity.

2. Detectives.

You minimise the cloud approximately to the same size as I have here above. You can change the font to make the words more readable. Teams have to guess what words are written and write them on a separate piece of paper. You can make a running activity with running to the board and writing the words. All the words have to be written correctly. Such an English activity is great fun.

3.Sort out.

Students may sort out the words into 2-3 categories.

4. Decide on the categories.

Students decide on the categories of  English words from the cloud. It can be good for revision at the end of the year.

5. How many can you remember?

Let your students a minute to remember as many words as they can. Now check. Students say the words, you cross out the words. It would be good to have the words written on the board and cross them out on the board too.

6. 5-second speech.

With a 5-second timer let members of different teams say as many words in 5 seconds from the word cloud as they can remember. A word equals a point.

7. Find the odd word out.

Type in the word cloud several words that don't fit into the category. Ask your pupils to find them.

8. Word Cloud on the board.

Let your pupils do one word cloud on the board or divide them into groups and ask each member to write 2-3 words. Words can't be repeated.

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to follow me on Facebook.

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